Lightning Strikes Twice:
The O&W Bridge Catastrophes at Fish’s Eddy in the late 1800’s.
Official Website Of The Ontario & Western Railway Historical Society, Inc.
The O&W Bridge Catastrophes at Fish’s Eddy in the late 1800’s.
July 2021: “Middletown and Unionville’s (M&NJ) seventy-five year old GE 44-tonner No.1 had its appointment with the grim reaper on Monday July 26 and had been completely scrapped by the end of the day on Tuesday July 27th. With the…
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By Robert McCue Here’s a little something about one of (many railfans) favorite places on the O&W before the railway was in existence. A very special thanks to Robert McCue for sending this to us. You will be seeing more…
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Sorry for another e-mail but I wanted to let everyone know that we now have a New Series on the site which will be called “From The Desk Of Dan Myers”. (Thank You Dan!) You will now see this menu…
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By Bob Earle No. 2 in a Series Erie Memo Please visit and click on “From the Archives” in the right sidebar menu.
That should have read Bob Earle’s series, “From The Archives”.
The Spring 2021 Newsletter was just uploaded in color. Please make sure to visit the new links on the right hand side of the page, these include Norm Barrett’s “News on the 105“, and Bob earle’s “From the Archives“. These…
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