The Ontario Express

Official Website Of The Ontario & Western Railway Historical Society, Inc.

Upcoming Events

With covid, most O&W RHS meetings have been held online, via Zoom. However, this year (2022), we are partially resuming in-person meetings in Middletown with two meetings:

April 8 and August 5.

We also plan to resume holding our annual convention on November 12 at the Otterkill Country Club near Cambell Hall, NY.
Details are forthcoming.

Next O&WRHS Membership Meeting: 

April 8, 2022 7:30 PM

Mulberry House Senior Center
62-70 West Main Street
Middletown, New York 10940

Bob Earle will present his “Hawk Mountain” program, composed of slides that the now-defunct Hawk Mountain Chapter of the NRHS had sold.

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