Dear Members:
I was just notified that many of you are still having issues opening .pdf articles on the website.
I can assure you that it is not coming from my end and I have spoken at length to our web host and have checked this thoroughly with them.
This issue is coming specifically from both the Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge browsers. They did an update a few months ago that is not allowing .pdf’s to open properly and are displaying blank pages. Seems like it may be a Windows only issue as I can open .pdf’s using Google Chrome on my iMac no problem.
For all the people who have contacted me directly, I have helped them resolve this issue by having them download the Mozilla Firefox browser and they have reported it works 100%. Mozilla Firefox is an open-source browser that is a safe, fast and very powerful browser. Please note you DO NOT have to make this your default browser and can use it just for the Ontario Express or just do an “open with” when accessing articles though the site.
I ask that in the future if you are having any issues at all regarding the website please make sure you contact me first at I am also available through the “Contact Us” menu on the website.
Hopefully Google and Microsoft will do an update soon to resolve their issue.
Best Regards…Ron