The Ontario Express

Official Website Of The Ontario & Western Railway Historical Society, Inc.

Locomotive USA No. 1368 *Version III* By Walter J. Kierzkowski And Dan Myers

Locomotive USA No. 1368

Editor’s Note:

Here is yet another version of this article including a letter from Guy S. Bennett Superintendent of Motive Power to Mr. Gebhardt concerning the disposition of Locomotive USA No. 1368.

As new information comes to light, Dan and Walter are sending me updates to this very interesting  piece of history about this locomotive that ran on the O&W.

On another note I hear you loud and clear about issues viewing .pdfs the site. I am very concerned about this and am trying everything in my power to try and pinpoint what is causing the blanks pages. I have contacted our website provider, GoDaddy and they ensure me that it is not on my end. I know that many of you are not tech savvy and I wish I could work with this issue with you in person but unfortunately that is not possible.

That being said there are some things you can do to try and fix this issue that will take minimal effort and knowledge.

First off please make sure your browser is up to date. This is very important as you may be using a old version that is having issues with the WordPress program I am creating the site with and use to install  .pdfs.

Second, if you have another browser installed on your computer please try that and see if you get the same issue. One of our members in Japan is using the Microsoft Edge browser and he could not view the .pdfs. When he tried Google Chrome (I believe it was) on the same computer it worked fine.

Third: If you know how to install another browser or have someone who can walk you through it please try Mozilla Firefox. It is an open-source browser that is extremely powerful and is not causing issues for anyone. I am on a 13-year old Mac and using the Safari browser, Mozilla Firefox and also Opera. None of these three have any issues as well as my iPhone 13 Pro Max. Google Chrome is no longer supported on my computer so it did cause issues for me but I was able to fix it by installing an extension in my browser that reads .pdfs but that requires a bit of knowledge and I don’t suggest doing that if you are not confident that you know what you are doing.

I am hoping that over time this issue works itself out and everyone is able to get in and read the articles. It bothers me very much this is happening to some of you but I am confident we will get past this.

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