The Ontario Express

Official Website Of The Ontario & Western Railway Historical Society, Inc.

Browser Issues

Dear Members:

It looks like many browsers like Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge did updates recently that are now causing blank pages to display on the site. I was effected by this myself and even tried uninstalling Chrome and reinstalling to no avail. I finally had to add an extension for a .pdf reader. I am on a Mac so Safari was working fine, no issues.

If you are having issues then I suggest using Safari on the Mac and Mozilla on the PC, I know both of them are working. Hopefully another update will fix this, it is most annoying and I know all of us like using the same browsers but I can tell you for sure it is not the website that is causing the issue.

If you ever need to contact me you can use the “Contact Us” tab on the website. I am listed there for “Technical” issues.

My e-mail is
Hope you are enjoying all the articles, Take Care!

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