The Ontario Express

Official Website Of The Ontario & Western Railway Historical Society, Inc.

Archives reprints – Summitville, NY By Joe Bux

– Archives Reprints –
“The GRAND CENTRAL Of The Catskills”
By Joe Bux
Selected From The Chapter’s Collection.
Special Thanks To Marv Cohen For Uncovering This Material.

From Your Editor, Ron Vassallo:
Sorry about the several posts, I was having issues with WordPress again. When it works, it works beautifully, when it doesn’t I have to walk away for a few minutes. 
I need a favor from you guys. If anyone has better scans of the photos in this article i would appreciate it. Mark Kennaugh already gave me a beautiful shot for Page 2 but Page 3 is the one I need the most help with…any photo upgrades would be appreciated. All of my Society material is in storage and I don’t have quick access to it. Thanks in advance! 

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