The Ontario Express

Official Website Of The Ontario & Western Railway Historical Society, Inc.

Rapido Trains O&W 44-tonner

Update just in from Rapido Trains Project Manager and O&WRHS Member Bill Schneider:

Hi all….. So, here’s what happened…..

We decided to do an O&W scheme in the first run, with the other in the next run (I need both!). Because of the 105 tie-in we decided to go with the gray first as I understand that this is what 105 will be restored to. All very simple. until….

I did mock up art of both schemes to try to get ahead. Should have known better. Although we are doing the gray scheme in the first run, the maroon scheme mockup was included in a group image in the newsletter that slipped by me.

Jason and I discussed this earlier in the week. We both feel that doing both schemes at the same time would potentially draw sales away from one and possibly make both impractical to manufacture. So, from a business perspective, we decided to stick to just the gray this run, with the maroon for the second.

My Sidney crews will just have to be patient too… ;>)

Visit Norm Barrett’s Page on this site for more information on the 44-tonner Restoration Project. 
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